This class is providing me with my first exposure to SoundCloud. When I googled “what is SoundCloud”, the response was: “SoundCloud is one of the hottest services in web audio and yet it gets very little attention from the tech press.” As I checked around the website I learned that this company was based in Berlin, Germany. As I tried to get an idea of what to expect and I was surprised to learn about all that it offered including some podcasts about various topics which interested me such as "Business" and "Learning".
My initial thoughts about SoundCloud was that it was only for music, however, as I was reviewing the different genres, I noticed what appeared to be “categories” of available podcasts such as audiobooks, business, learning, etc. I listened to some of the posts to learn more about what was being uploaded, I “liked” a few of them and shared this one through Twitter: 3 Things I’d Tell My 20 Something Self by inspirational speaker, Jonathan Fields.
Another thing that struck me and I found interesting was while there is no video playing, my mind was visualizing how the different sounds were being made. I became aware of this while listening to a post by “Everything Sounds” under the Storytelling category:
This web audio provides individuals with the ability to share music or create their own audio on whatever topic they want to share with others including their personal connections in social media or complete strangers who happen to see your post. The site is fairly easy to navigate and it provides detailed information to get you started at:
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