Saturday, March 1, 2014

To Tweet or not to Tweet ...

As mentioned below, a few years ago I had a Twitter account but because I didn’t really know how to use it and I wondered why people would want everyone to know where they are at all times, I stopped using it.  My new Twitter account can be found at:   

One of the videos posted in our Moodles classroom, assisted me in setting up my Twitter account and taught me the difference between tweeting and direct messaging. It also helped me understand why someone would create a list and how to do so. The link for this video is located at:

While setting up my Twitter account, I created three lists, which are as follows:  “Favorite Restaurants”, “Education” and “Buffalo Architecture”.  The favorite restaurants was my first attempt at creating a list. My idea for this one was so I could get "tweeted" when new specialty dishes were being offered or when events were scheduled at my favorite restaurants.

The Education list includes both school and work related topics I am interested in learning more about and  individuals from those two circles. The Buffalo Architecture list pertains to another course I am taking this term.  It is my hope to use it to group together on-line resources as I begin to gather information for my research paper and presentation at the end of the term.
I still don’t completely understand how to use “hashtags” but I’m sure that will come with time, or I’ll just have to ask my kids to teach me ...


Twitter Image retrieved from:


  1. Hi Colleen,
    I still don't understand the appeal either of putting yourself out there. I like the idea that I'm following others, because I'm learning from them. However, the idea of someone "following" me will take some getting used to. I'll have to watch that video on Youtube you had in your post.

  2. All I can say is if God wanted me to Tweet, he would have given my wings and a beak and a craving for worms, :)
