Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Personal Learning Network

Something New ...

Starting my Personal Learning Network is very intriguing.  Since I never heard this term, I turned to the internet in an attempt to grasp what this term meant and how I could apply it to my personal learning objectives and professional interests. 

A PLN is a form of independent learning and is intended to provide the most benefits by using it in a “give and take” fashion, meaning participants collaborate by sharing their knowledge in specific areas as well as learning from each other's posts.

In the past, I created accounts for Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest, etc., however, aside from seeing “hash-tag” posts on certain topics or individuals, I didn’t realize any other benefits from them.  I believe that is because I wasn’t viewing them to learn or make connections with others who share similar interests to me. 

Now, with my new appreciation for how these social media sites can assist me with my educational and professional goals, I have reactivated my accounts and started searching for individuals who are experts in my field of study.  I am also searching for a few blogs to subscribe to as they pertain to my career.  I plan to keep this simple at the onset so I don’t get overwhelmed with information overload.

The following links provided some additional insight of how to view a PLN and incorporate this idea into creating your own PLN: and


  1. Colleen,
    I checked out both posts, and the one you found that was on was extremely helpful. After reading through it, I got new ideas about what I could do for my PLN. Thanks for the link
