Saturday, March 8, 2014

Searching the Web

At the onset of this chapter, I thought it would be a review of the knowledge I acquired through my computer usage over the years.  Instead, I learned about new tools available to search for various information on the internet which I didn't already know about. It was interesting to find out that different types of searches I used on daily basis, actually have terms associated with them. Examples of these are open-ended searches which seek information a broad scale, or targeted searches which include specific information.

While reading through the text, I enjoy taking a break from just reading to learning hands-on from the book companion website. This component makes the learning experience more interactive and I believe this enhances my learning process. Especially informative was the exercises which illustrated how to add or remove a search engine to a QuickPick Menu.  I believe the other specialized searches covered at the end of the chapter will assist me greatly going forward.

One of the searches I use constantly because it is a huge time saver and assists me in locating a specific word or group of words on a current page, is the "Find Bar", or "control+F".  Not only do I use it on web pages but I also use it in searching my email, word processing and other programs available at work.

According to two recent articles found on the web, there are ten top search engines.  Both articles listed the same search 10 search engines and are located at: and

An additional source which reinforced the learning from our textbook, and provided some new advice for additional tools was a recent article posted in Macworld located at:


Admin. (2013). 10 Best Search Engines on the Web to Make your Searches Easy. 10 Best Tech Stuffs 4 U and Search Engines Image.

Gil, P. (2013). The 10 Best Search Engines of 2014-Search tools for Every Person.

Kissell, J. (2013). Ten Essential Tips for Searching the Web.  Macworld.


  1. I went to the sites you posted and they appear to be written by one person. The one site ( actually has a disclaimer statement that they receive a commission for clicks that are generated from the site. The other site ( is written by Paul Gil. This would seem to be a form of bias on the part of the authors. Neither site offers an explanation as to how they determined what criteria they used to form the list. I'm not trying to say the sites listed are not useful but the use of phrase 10 Best may have been influenced by the revenue the authors receive to promote the various sites.

  2. good points Ron -- I may have missed that -- I will check into it. Thanks!
