Friday, May 2, 2014

Web 2.0 - Final Blog

Well, this is my last blog for this term.  I have learned a great deal from this class and have tried to implement the new tools in my work, personal postings and with my friends.  It's been an interesting class because it relates to what we are doing right now, and not at some distant time in the future when we forget what we learned because so much time has passed.

At first, I wasn't sure what to do my final project on and had several possibilities but after viewing another classmate's posting, it gave me a different perspective on how to approach it and even have fun planning for my video debut!  I had some difficulty at first but my perseverance paid off and I was able to upload the video to YouTube and even create a custom thumbnail by capturing an image using Jing ... which is my new favorite tool!

I hope you enjoyed my instructional video on Fairy Gardens and create a little magic in your life!  FYI, Pinterest has some great information if you would like to learn more about fairy gardens. 

Wishing everyone well and congrats on your achievements (R & C), I'm right behind you for my BS!